For Creators of New Works (Both Artists and Companies)
AOC has 5 programs that support new works creation
New Canadian Works Showcase
This searchable online showcase is designed to make it easy for opera programmers, co-producers, and presenters, to easily find new works and works-in-development that meet their current strategic / audience interest.
View AOC’s New Canadian Works Showcase 2023
Eligibility for Inclusion in the Showcase
- Both Organization members and Opera Artist members in good standing may submit works to the Showcase. (Opera Artists in need of dues support may participate in the ROAM (Relief for Opera Artist Membership) Program. Join or renew at this link (
- Individual artists submitting works must be Lead Creative Artists on the project submitted.
- At least one Lead Creative Artist on every work submitted must be a Canadian Citizen, or maintain official Permanent Residency.
Artists who would like to retain works from last year’s showcase, in the current showcase, are requested to contact General manager Joel Klein no later than February 28, 2023.
Submit New Canadian Works
Add works to the Canadian New Works Showcase at this link
About the form:
- Here is a preview of all the questions in the form. Some of these questions are dependent on other ones. Depending on your answers, some of these questions may not appear for you:
- There is essentially no maximum word limit (our software will allow up to 100,000 characters per long answer form), and there are no specific work sample requirements. We leave this to your discretion. Please note that the Pitch Program jury members will likely only have 15 minutes total to consider each submission, including reviewing any supplementary materials (audio / video links, web pages etc).
A maximum of 1 work per member can be featured in the showcase at any given time.
This program is open to all members, with 2 deadlines per year:
- February 28
- September 30
New Canadian Works Pitch Program
AOC’s next Pitch Event will take place at Opera America’s Spring Conference May 17-20, 2023, Pittsburgh.
- To find out more about attending this event, email General Manager Joel Klein (
- To apply to Pitch a work at this event, follow the process below:
About this program
Focused on Equity-deserving creators, this program provides an opportunity for artists / creators / producers to feature and discuss their works with potential producers / co-producers / co-commissioners.
- DEADLINE February 28, 2023
- For Equity-Seeking Creators
- 4 Finalists will be chosen, by an independent jury
- in 2023, one spot will be prioritized for a comedy-in-development
- Must participate in AOC’s Pitch Event at Opera America’s Spring Conference May 17-20, 2023, Pittsburgh.
- $2500 offered towards Pitch Costs
- Finalists receive priority access to the AOC Market Development Coaching Program (below).
- The applicant must meet the general eligibility criteria for inclusion in the New Canadian Works Showcase
- Eligible works are at any stage of creation, prior to first production / presentation. This program is focused on getting new works to their first full production / presentation. Works that have already been presented in a full staged format are not eligible for this program.
- Eligible works include at least one key creator (eg. Lead Producer, Librettist, Composer), who is Equity Seeking / Equity-Deserving. For more information, see
- Works funded previously through this program are not eligible to apply in the current year.
Application Process
Step 1: Consider your eligibility
Step 2: Submit a work to the Canadian New Works Showcase on or before the Deadline. In your submission, mark that you would like to apply for the Pitch Program.
Step 3: We will convene a jury shortly after the deadline (February 28, 2023), and will get back to all applicants within 2 weeks of the deadline.
Selection Criteria
The jury will consider the following points, all equally weighted
- Artistic Merit: Strength of artistic concept; Strength of artistic collaborators; Strength of work to date (if applicable).
- Sectoral Impact: Is this project uniquely positioned to make a positive impact in the sector?
- Project Viability: Capacity of lead artist and any producing partners to achieve the proposed work.
- Market Viability / Program Fit: Is AOC, given its membership and its international connections, in a good position to help this work succeed? (Note our primary sphere of influence is among our own membership (view here) and, less so, at OPERA America and Opera Europa. Our second sphere of influence is among Canadian multidisciplinary presenters via CAPACOA and other Canadian presenter networks, and our tertiary sphere is through additional networks such as Music Theatre Now)
In 2023 AOC’s New Works Encouragement Programs will offer coaching from 3 industry professionals :
Joel Klein (General Manager, Association for Opera in Canada): Experience in Production Management, New Works Touring, International Market Development, Fund Development. To learn more, visit
Barbara Scales (Founder and President, Latitude 45) “Building bridges between creators and audiences, Latitude 45 Arts Promotion is a Montreal-based booking agency and management company celebrating musical gifts around the globe. We work with the finest talent in the areas of classical, jazz, global*, early, and contemporary music, artists who display creativity, engagement, and courage.”
Dani Fecko (Founder and President, Fascinator Management) “Fascinator Management is an agency and consultancy based in Vancouver, BC. We represent artists in the fields of contemporary theatre, digital innovation and multidisciplinary performance.”
Eligibility / Process
To be eligible for Coaching towards New Works Project Development and Market Development, you must first enter a work into the 2023 New Works Showcase.
Priority access to external coaches will go to New Works Pitch program Finalists.
As part of AOC’s International Business Development Strategy, from time to time we bring sectoral delegations to major international opera gatherings.
This year’s significant opportunities are:
- OPERA America Conference Spring 2023, Pittsburgh, May 17-20 (partial funding only for Azrieli Foundation New Works Pitch Program 2023 Awardees)
- Opera Europa’s Fall Conference 2023, Copenhagen / Malmö, October 6-8, 2023 (pending funding)
- Association for Opera in Canada’s National Conference Fall 2023 (Date and Location TBD)
Official Delegates must be members in good standing. Should AOC receive delegation funds, we will provide an application form to eligible members. To find out more about this program, email General Manager Joel Klein (
Click here for the latest news and updates specific to Delegations:
Co–Production Loan Program
AOC offers interest bearing* co-production loans to Professional Company Members up to a maximum of $250,000.
*It is our intention to offer the lowest possible interest rates on the loan, with actual interest rates being set each year based on market rates at the time of the loan.
How to apply
AOC constantly monitors the field for developing coproductions that may require financial support through a loan. If you have a project that you feel would benefit from this program, please email Executive Director, Christina Loewen,
For Presenters / Co-producers
AOC has 4 programs that support presenters and co-producers to participate in the creation, production and presentation of new Canadian works.
- New Works Showcase (View)
- New Works Pitch (Attend)
- National and International Delegations (Participate)
- Co-production Loan Program (Apply)

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