$100 – Opera Artist

Opera artists (including choreographers, composers, conductors, creators / producers, dancers, designers, directors, dramaturgs, instrumentalists, librettist, singers, stage directors and all other artists involved in the creation and production of opera) join AOC for

  1. professional development opportunities,
  2. increased discoverability,
  3. opportunities to network and build community within their sector, and
  4. to have a voice at the advocacy table, to influence policy-making.

To learn more about Opera Artist membership, view our Member Benefits Page or email membership@opera.ca.

As opera artists continue to face increased precarity and financial hardship, beginning October 14, 2021 AOC will enact a new membership dues policy – Relief for Opera Artist Membership (ROAM). If you are in need of dues assistance, we invite you to apply code “ROAM“.

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Please see the following FAQ for the Profile Builder: https://www.opera.ca/profile-edit-faq/