Black Shoulders Legacy Award, due May 17, 2024

The Black Shoulders Legacy Award aims to support and nurture young-in-craft Black Canadian theatre and opera artists through financial support, artistic guidance, and national promotion. Five artists will be selected each year via submission and awarded a $5,000 honorarium towards training and other opportunities to enhance and grow their artistic craft. This national award will be given to both performing and non-performing artists who show promise and are working towards a future in theatre, further amplifying Black voices in the Canadian theatre landscape.

The Black Shoulders Legacy Award was founded in June 2020,  at the end of Philip Akin’s tenure as the Artistic Director of Obsidian Theatre. This groundbreaking award was created to safeguard the legacy of support for emerging Black Canadian theatre artists that Philip Akin catalyzed. This is the first award of its kind, solely dedicated to the success of Black Canadian theatre artists, ensuring creators are equipped with the skills to be at the top of their professional game.

Facebook: @Philip Akin- Black Shoulders Legacy Award Twitter: @Black_Shoulders Instagram: @Black_Shoulders Hashtag: #BlackShouldersLA